Brows by Kat
Nano Brows
Powder Brows
Hey there! It’s Kat :)
After tattooing for over 6 Years, I have absolutely fallen in love with the magic that it is. I love how a new tattoo can make you feel so empowered within yourself, and a little bit more badass. But new brows? Well. They make you feel like you’re indestructible. Let’s face it ;) The eyebrows are the framework for the face. They are important, but we don’t necessarily want to waste time worrying about thinning brows or spending precious hours to get them perfect day after day.
Perfect brows can give you an amazing confidence boost. Enticing you to release the beauty you hold within. Whether you have overplucked, have alopecia, eczema, went through chemotherapy, or just have thinner brows than you’d like. Whether you are wanting them done for a special event, because you want to save time in the morning, or just because you have been wanting to see what it’s like. It is my goal to give you the brows of your dreams, in the most relaxing, personalized environment possible.
Having the brows that you desire is much more than vanity. It will actually help you to manifest your desires quicker. This happens because when you increase your vibration (your confidence, your positivity) you are aligning yourself with your highest, most desired version of yourself. This makes you a magnet to your desires and brings so much abundance into your life, while opening up doors that you may have otherwise overlooked.
It’s true magic.
I have been infatuated by makeup since I was a small child. Always obsessing on perfection. And we all know that perfection doesn’t exist. But I strive to get as close as I can. So, I decided to get professionally licensed in Micro blading and Manual shading. In hopes to help people embrace who they are to the fullest. And I continue to seek out more diverse knowledge and training in this field so I can continue to grow within my craft, and hopefully, someday offer one of the best brow experiences around. I take great pride in the work that I do. And I love that my path is leading me on this journey of helping people feel more like themselves in their own skin. However that may be. I am here for you. And I appreciate your trust more than you know.<3
Micro Blading Example
Micro Blading, Powder Shading AND Nano Brows!?
What’s the difference?!
Micro Blading - “The Celestial” Package - $350
Micro blading: Using a special blade and pigments to create hyper-realistic hair-like strokes to fill in and shape thinner brows. It is a more natural look, if you are going solely for fuller brows. This is a semi-permanent procedure. Depending on certain factors (skin type, sun exposure, skin treatments, etc.) micro blading will last between 6 months and 3 years. That depends on various things. Such as, skin type, time in the sun, chemical skin treatments, exfoliation, etc. Touch ups are generally recommended once every 2-3 years or so, depending on the factors listed above. This package is recommended for those looking to create fuller, more natural looking brows. This package includes your first initial session and your first touch-up.
Powder Shading / Powder Brows - “The Ethereal” Package - $450
Also known as; “Ombre Brows” or “Micro shading”. Is a different method of achieving more polished brows. A bit less invasive. While using a very small needle to make pinpoint dots and dashes to create a “powdery” look for your brows. As if you were to fill them in with makeup. And they can last a little longer in some cases. It does not give your brows the detailed “hair” look. But it does give nice definition to the brows. *And it can be paired with Micro blading for the perfect set of brows! * Otherwise known as, “Combo Brows” or “Blade and Shade” It is still a semi-permanent procedure. Touchups are usually needed after 2-3 years or so. This is generally recommended for those who already have fairly full brows but are looking to define their shape a bit more and get an “applied makeup” look. This package includes your first initial session, and your first touch-up.
Combination Brows - “The Goddess” Package - $500
That is when you get the best of both worlds! It includes the micro blading strokes, and powder shading/manual tinting. To give you the detailed hair look. Along with the powdery, soft, shading as if you filled in your brows! This package is recommended for those who prefer a more filled-in/makeup look. This fee includes the initial procedure and your first touch-up. After your first included touch-up, it is recommended to get a touch-up every 2-3 years, depending on your skin type.
Nano blading (Nano Brows) - “The Star Seed” Package - $550
Nano blading is a bit of a newer procedure, using a very small needle to wisp in hair strokes so that they looks soft and natural. Very similar to micro blading. But with using this different method of application, this procedure is less traumatizing to the skin. And also happens to hold up better than micro blading over time. They last about 3 years roughly (instead of 1-2) before needing to come back for the “Prim and Polished” (it all depends on your skin type, and skin care methods.)
1-2 Year Touch-up - “The Prim and Polished” Package - $200-$300
If your brows are in need of a little more definition, a bit of a darker shade. Crispier hair strokes. Just in need of some love. This is for you! Due to the cells on your face turning over quicker than most other cells. Brows will end up fading over time. So, we recommend setting up a Prim and Polished touch-up session after a couple of years! This package is only for those who have previously had their brows done by Kat.
“The Star Seed” Package -
Nano Brows
Go ahead!
Send in a brow appointment request!
We will get back to you as soon as we can.
“The Goddess” Package -
Micro blading and powder shading.
Side view of “The Goddess”
A side view of “The Celestial” Package -
Micro blading only.
About 8 Days after the mandatory touch-up!
(On “The Celestial”)
What’s the Process?
The Consultation.
If you do apply makeup to your brows. Please apply it before coming in for your consultation. And before your actual appointment (I will remove it before jumping into any measurements) That way I can see what your preferred look is. Shape, Color, Ect. I will have you lay while I examine your natural brow structure. That way I can get a good idea of how your brows shape your face. I will ask about your overall goals for this procedure, your daily activities, and skin care routine, and go over your medical history briefly.
It is also important to find the best pigment for you. So, we will go over some color matches and choose the best one for you.
I will also do a premeasuring of your brows, marking out how your new brows will look to give you an idea of the overall shape and arch of your future brows. My ultimate goal is to give you the perfect brows for your face structure. As everyone’s facial measurements vary. So, this step is crucial.
Then we will go ahead and set up your appointment! (There will be some pre-appointment care that we will go over during the consultation. I will give you an informational card. So don’t forget to be diligent leading up to your appointment.)
Before The Appointment
To create the best possible outcome for your brows. Please follow the instructions below. Which we will also go over in your consultation.
No Botox treatments should be done 3 weeks prior or 4 weeks after your procedure.
No chemical peels 60 days before and 60 days after your procedure. (The chemicals used will fade your browns much quicker.)
No Retinols/Retin-A or other anti-aging or acne creams, or any other serums containing any acids. As this will also fade your brows prematurely.
DO NOT work out or sweat heavily the day of your appointment. And you will need to wait about 2 weeks (until your brows are healed) to work out again.
DO NOT tan the day of your appointment.
DO NOT come in with a sunburned face.
NO waxing or tinting 3 days prior to the appointment.
STOP taking aspirin, niacin, vitamin E, fish oil, CoQ10 and ibuprofen 48 hours before procedure
NO alcohol or caffeine 24hrs prior to your procedure.
Here are a few reasons why one shouldn’t consider micro blading services at this time.
If you are sick. (Cold, Flu, Respiratory infection, fever) Please reschedule your appointment, stay home and recoup. (Your appointment will be rescheduled if you come in sick.)
Skin irritations of any kind near the brows. (Sunburn, rash, eczema, psoriasis, acne, etc.)
Pregnant or Nursing
Under the age of 18
Had Botox within 3 weeks of your appointment
Used Accutane in the past year.
Undergoing Chemotherapy
Prone to Keloid scarring
Pacemaker or serious heart problems
Had an organ transplant
Viral infections or diseases
Transmittable Blood diseases.
Now this list is very extensive. But feel free to ask me any questions you’d like. I would be more than happy to chat with you about your situation to get a better idea of any of the items listed above! I just want to make sure everyone has the best experience through this procedure!
There is a list of medications that should also be avoided approximately 7 days prior to the procedure. But I will have an appointment card with all of this information on it for you to keep handy before your appointment!
The Appointment.
We will cleanse and measure out your brows again. Numbing is optional. * The pain of micro blading/powder shading is usually rated about 3-4 out of 10. Not bad at all! So, if you really want to “earn” your brows, go without the numbing! But if you don’t want to feel much. Numbing is available for an easy breezy session.*
If numbing is chosen, we wait 20 minutes before the procedure starts.
Then it’s onto Micro Blading or Powder Shading your new brows!
The whole procedure can take anywhere from one hour to 2 hours.
The Aftercare:
Directly after your appointment
Use a Qtip to wipe off your fresh brows with distilled water a couple of times per hour for the remainder of the first day.
Day 1-8
Use a Qtip and a small amount of antibacterial soap to gently wash off your new brows x2/day (morning and evening) make sure you remove all of the soap, and pat dry with a clean, dry, paper towel.
*They will be significantly darker for the first 5 days or so, until they start to peel. (Then they may look lighter after the initial peeling due to new skin, but just trust the process! They will darken again after about 2 full weeks)
*They will start flaking around day 4-5.
*Some slight swelling, redness, or bruising is normal. And should subside after 1-3 days.
Day 8-14
Generally, new brows will be fully healed in about 2 weeks. But in some cases, they can take up to 3-4 weeks, so just be patient. Continue to wash your brows daily. At this point you can start very lightly moisturizing your brows with a very small amount of coconut oil or unscented lotion.
Day 14-28
Use your judgement, analyze your brows and then, when they are completely healed. It’s time to schedule your touchup!
The first touchup is necessary after 4-6 weeks. As you may have some spots you want evened out. May want to darken them up. And some hair strokes could have fallen out through the healing process. Ect. After your first touchup. It is recommended to get a touchup every year or two to keep the micro blading strokes looking crisp. Skin cells turn over quicker on oilier skin types as opposed to drier skin. So, make sure to keep that in mind.
Your first initial touchup is included in the price. But after that, you will need to pay a small touchup fee.
Check out this fun little healing chart I made to show the stages of micro blading/powder shading healing! : )